
Will i get along with anyone in high school?

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I'm starting high school September 2, as a freshie. the academy I'm going too holds "orientation days" were freshman's get too communicate with there division before school starts so they could recognize the school & there schedules. I've attended the first two orientation days and almost everyone has their own little "cliques" already. I don't fall into any of these, and i feel like a huge loner. I haven't spoken too anyone and i find myself constantly sitting alone because I'm dont feel accepted by any of the other freshmans.


How long did it take you too make friends?




  1. You def will make friends. High school is like..preschool, 1st grade---alllll the way to college. During the first few weeks everyone is in your boat, wants a friend or two to click with. It will happen, believe me :)

    Be yourself, high school is the worst time to lose your identity youve been building since birth.

    Let people come to you and weed out the ones you DONT want to associate with. If attracting people is a problem, then go make friends. Saying hi is def an important step "Hey, I'm ______. You're in Phys ed too? Doesnt the gym teacher scare you" or "I'm glad I'm not the only one who still likes Britney Spears"

    go for it, high school years will go by so fast!

    I'm a college grad and i remember I just stayed myself and I actually consider myself a loner. I def know where youre coming from.

    Last piece of advice, smile. People need friendly people in their lives during high school :)

    Hope I dont sound like an old lady

    Speak up, make friends with guys and girls

    Good luck with high school!

  2. i just started high school this week as a freshman trust me its not as bad as everyone makes it seem i didnt even go to orietation and i already have some friends the thing is u cant think 2 much about making friends or get stressed out because if u do its gonna make things harder 4 u trust me i have that problem sometimes i can be extremely shy at times just find some people who have the same things in common as you or do what i do think of something to strike up a conversation like make up a question and then go from there bbut whatever u do dont think 2 much about it and dont automatically set urself away from everyone and think u wont have any friends cuz that just makes things worse try having a posotive attitude hopefully it works good luck:-)

  3. you'll never ever make friends its like prison out there good luck!

  4. my son started 9th grade this week  and got a broken hand I wish you luck high school seems rough

  5. I was fortunate enough to be very good friends with one of my fellow freshmen before starting high school. Most of the friends I had freshman year I met through him. If you don't know anyone at your school, it will be harder, but not impossible. Even if you're not very outgoing, just be nice to people. Like, go out of your way to be nice, even if it's just something simple like smiling or saying hello to someone. People notice that kind of thing.

    Even if you don't fit into any particular social  niche at first, be as friendly as possible to everyone you meet. Some of them you'll never talk to again, and some of them you'll probably end up disliking, but when you're a freshman, it's important to treat everyone you meet as a potential friend.

    Personally speaking, I never even talked to my best friend before sophomore year. Beginnings are always the hardest part (except maybe for endings), but if you can become friendly with even one person, you suddenly have an opening to become friendly with that person's friends, and eventually you will find people compatible enough to become friends with you.

  6. Well, if you're going into high school with no friends then you'll most likely be lonely for a week or so before you make some steady ones. Try to start a few conversations on your first day with classmates. See if they'll eat lunch with you. If you get a lunch time crew then you'll be fine throughout high school.  

  7. First day of school, just try to put a smile on your face... Dont worry, HS is not scary... At first I was but within my first period someone befriended me... Trust me you wont be a loner as long as you reply when some one talks to you...

    Also if you are a "loner" on the first day of school, just talk to another "loner" and theres your friend...

  8. I already had friends when i entered high school i am a junior now grade 11

  9. You'll be fine! there are SO many different people in high school to get to know. Ignore jerks on here who say high school is bad, or scary, or that you're never gonna make friends. You will!

    You'll go to classes and have to sit beside someone, eventually you will make friends. Just be your wonderful self, and smile.

    Relax! you'll be fine. I went through EXACTLY the same thing, and it all turned out well!

    Good luck, and have fun with the wonderful new experience of high school!

  10. This is the answer I posted for Tom P in Australia:

    Pursue the hobby of your choice and you will find some friends of like mind. Also, you may learn some things along the way. Remember to have friends you must be a friend. Join a club or participate in sports. It also helps if you keep yourself so busy you hardly have time for friends. People like people who are not desperate for friends, but, are passionate about what they do. Remember, you are a whole healthy happy person and you belong to a Universe that loves you. Make that your new mantra.

  11. look...ur not gonna get along with every1...some people by nature say all the wrong things that'll get to a sophomore =/ i remember my freshman year ... i was nervous about a whole new school after the 1st trimester i looked back and thought of how stupid it was about being nervous.. its impossible to not make friends unless u dont try

  12. I'm going into my senior year in high school don't worry you'll find your niche. One of the best things about high school is that there's so many people that even 'loners' find other 'loners' and then they're not so alone :]

    it's a time when us kids are going through a lot so people change all the time and groups shift and geeks become popular and popular kids turn goth and so on and so forth. High school is a great opportunity to grow socially and try a whole bunch of new things so just walk in like you own the place because honestly everyone there is scared too and within a few weeks it will all be totally different.

    Once you find you're core group of friends don't waste time on the silly drama and just have fun and try new things. Just make sure to enjoy it because before you know it it'll be gone!

  13. we'll actually i was a loner like u when in middle school (still am to let u know)

    we'll i was alone

    i knew no one

    no 1 talked to me looked at me or anything

    my tip for u is to find someone whos alone talk 2 them

    or get involved in programs and meet someone

    sports if u play


    if u like it

    so yep

  14. once someone starts talking to you don't be quiet

    that's your chance to make a Friend and Friends

    usually come naturally I'm a junior on sept. 3 so

    i remember wat it's like to be a freshie lol  

  15. The best way to meet new people in high school is to...get involved! Get involved in sports, clubs, and extra curricular activities. It really helps.  

  16. i worried about this a tonne when i started, but i found people who had the same fear, about not fitting in. we chatted and now we are best friends. don't get too scared about the cliques, they aren't what most people say they are. try and find people with similar interests, and get to know them. who knows, maybe you'll come to rule the school?

    and for the love of god, SPEAK TO OTHERS!

    for me?

  17. okay i am now a Senior in high school i moved away from my town so i had to go to a different school so i started my freshman year not knowing anyone and now I'm a senior and every kind of person fits in you will find someone just like you or someone you have alot on common with don't worry about not knowing anyone or not fitting in you will be fine i didn't talk to anyone i had a few friends i was very quiet also and i got along just fine i bet you will love it  

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