
Will i get fired? i didnt call in to be out today?

by  |  earlier

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i didnt go to work today

this is my 3rd time not going

the first time was because my great gradma died

the second was because i was sick

and now

i was really late to go

and i couldnt find my name tag or anything

so i dindt even call in today


today has been such a bad day form the get go

anyways ive been working at mcdonalds

for almost 2 months

so do u think they will fire me?




  1. Sounds like you got lots of excuses.

    No call, no show  ...  you're fired!

    Try finding a job when you actually want one.

  2. The actual answer is up to your manager.  If that were me, you would now be unemployed. Even if you has called, the reason you list would probably get you fired.

  3. Yeah they don't have time for that kind of stuff.  It's really poor etiquette to do that.  

  4. It depends on the job, how badly they need you, if you have a good union rep...

    chances are really good they will assume you not showing up as "quitting" and take full advantage of it, the reason is a no-show quit makes it incredibly easy for them to deny you unemployment

    so most likely you are no longer employed

  5. well assuming you are young, the demand for ppl who need jobs is greater than teh amount of jobs available, im in management, with fast food history (mcdonalds) and what you did is a "no call no show" and that usually warrants termination. so be prepared to turn in your shirt and visor. your fired................but if they need employees desperately (mostly due to being in a rich or rural area) they might let u of with a write up. but if ur fired just accept resposibility for whay YOU did and attempt to move forward. dont develop bad work ethics. and please tell me your under 21. mcdonalds was a dreadful place fpor me to work. remeber to use ur tongs: red is beef, blue is fish, and green is chicken!

  6. If I were the manager, you would no longer have your job.  You would have put me in a predicament by not even calling, to have to fill your shift in at the last moment.

    Get some respect for your job.  Any job.

  7. I hope so.  I dont need dumbassez like you trying to fill my order.  

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