
Will i get in trouble for sticking anti-meat stickers in costco?

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Will i get in trouble for sticking anti-meat stickers in costco?




  1. Hopefully.

  2. They will probably only throw you out.

    Not a huge risk.

    Do it.

    I went into Gap  few months ago.

    I saw a men's top, which was made of Merello wool (I think it's called that?), which is from a sheep that has been bred to have folds in his/her skin i.e. more wool. Miserable sheep.

    Anyway I wanted to make badges explaining how cruel the wool is, to stick on the inside.

    I wish I'd done it, but I didn't.

    P.S. If you know the proper word for what I'm looking for than please tell me. I don't think merello is right.

  3. You will get caught & prosecuted for vandalism.  And you will then have a criminal record.  If you don't like meat, don't eat it, but it is 100% wrong for you to try to impose your view on others at the expense of a private business.

    What have Costco done to deserve hassle from you?

  4. Would I get in trouble for sticking 'I love meat' stickers all over your house?  

    While it is a very good thing to have a strong belief in something, it is never a good thing to impose your ideas on others in a disrespectful, dishonest or potentially hurtful way.  If you want people to respect your beliefs, you need to allow them to have theirs as well.

  5. Not if you don't get caught:)  Go for it.

  6. yes if you get caught. don't do it... make pamphlets and hand them out... they don't need to be the shocking type with dead animals on it, make it nice and informative and personal

    I think vandalizing is totally the wrong approach. you will just make enemies

  7. If you get caught, you'll likely be banned from the store.  

    It's a public place, but it's private property.

  8. probably, it would count as vandalism, and won't really accomplish anything, except getting you escorted out by security and possibly arrested.

  9. will you get caught?

  10. I doubt you'd get in trouble, I'll do it to

  11. Don't give vegetarians a bad name by vandalising that store.  Just stand out in front and hand out pamphlets.  Or better yet, organize a petition signing out front.

    (Merino wool)

  12. Even if you don't, you should be arrested for vandalization if nothing else.

  13. If you get caught, yes, you probably will (vandalism, destruction of property, etc). If you don't, you'll still risk perpetuating the unfortunate belief that vegetarians are judgmental, self-righteous, sanctimonious jerks. In short, it could well do more harm than good.

    People aren't going to change their mind because they see a sticker or a pamphlet. In fact, many people find it offensive. It can have an effect quite different from that desired- people dig their heels in and buy two packets of meat instead of one. Being aggressive and in-your-face wins you few allies.

    Have you ever heard the phrase "you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar"? If you'd like to actually do something positive and maybe make a difference, request vegetarian, vegan, and organic products at the Costco. Call up Morningstar and see if they'll come in to your local Costco and do a product demonstration. (Free samples of deliciousness + not meat + publicity = win/win.) So, rather than saying what you DON'T want, ask for more of what you DO want.

    Get your stuff together, focus on the positive (the benefits, especially health/economic ones), and people are going to be a lot more likely to listen to you and not think you're just trying to stir up trouble/get attention.

  14. Probably but I'd do it anyway.

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