
Will i get sick from eating old eggs?

by  |  earlier

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Today I made some cookies with eggs and ate a little big of the batter, unaware that the eggs may have gone bad. If the egg carton says "best if used by july 16th", and today is august 30th, is it likely i will get sick from this? I didn't have more than maybe 2 spoonfulls of batter, but I can't be sure.




  1. lol yes very possible....... eggs are very sensitive, and you can even get sick from good eggs, that werent fully cooked correctly, baking can kill some of the bacteria with heat, but not always, so hopefully you are healthy and have a good immune system to deal, eggs do last a lil longer than their shelf life date indicates, but there needs to be those standards to prevent issues like that from popping up a lot..  i worked with a guy who manages all that info for a grocery store chain in my metropolitan area and he informed me on all that kind of stuff...

    best of luck!

  2. Well I wouldn't think its the best thing for you, they contain a lot bacteria. But only worry if you start feeling stomach problems or something.

  3. It's certainly possible. If you do get sick, you will know.  

  4. Eggs properly stored will last ages. It is only when they are not stored correctly they will go off, and then your nose will tell you.

    You will not get sick.

  5. yes you could get sick.....i suggest takin a few laxatives to get them bad boys out of your system before some real damage happens!!!!!! :)

  6. hellz nah i make and use old aeggs all the time they say suggested date to use  !

    i am telling you  you will be fine !

  7. I am sure that they were bad. Here is how to check next time to make sure. (Oh, and next time check the best by date).

    Get a tub of warm water and put the eggs into it. If the egg sinks, it's okay to eat. If the egg floats, it's not okay to eat.

  8. depends on how old

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