
Will i get tested for cigarettes if im on probation and house arrest im 16 years of age.

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Will i get tested for cigarettes if im on probation and house arrest im 16 years of age.




  1. You can get in trouble for smoking while on probation if you are 16. You are a minor and cannot legally purchase cigarettes. Don't do it.

  2. This isn't about homeschooling.

  3. YES

  4. Yes. You will get into trouble for smoking at 16. It's against the law. And even MORE so if you're on house arrest and probation! I wouldn't test my luck if I were you.

  5. I agree with the other answerers but my uncle was under house arrest and he was only tested fr acohol and opiates hope that helps and btw your an idiot if your under house arrest and on probation at 16

  6. Whether you will get tested or not will probably depend on the practices where you live and if cigarettes were a part of your charges.

    You might consider taking this time on house arrest to start thinking about how you'd like your life to actually be and start doing things to head in that direction. Check out The Secret's website for all kinds of inspirational stuff that can help you turn things around--if you want to. I'm sure living your life on probation and house arrest wasn't a goal. What sort of goals do you have? Have you thought about them? Give yourself a chance!

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