
Will i give him another chance or i live my life without him?

by  |  earlier

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i just recently caught my partner cheated, its his first time that he cheat, and it really hurts me. we are not yet married but we're still living together. we have a 3 yr. old son. if ever i caught him again cheating, is 3rd chance worth giving after he had failed the second one. i really love him that much, to the extent that made me think its my fault, but i know its not, i have been always faithful to him, giving him what he wants, never depriving him to do what ever he want. all i ask to him is his faithfulness to me and love to our only son.




  1. Only you can make this decision, but if it was my wife cheating on me, would i be able to chuck her??

    I dont know, Talk to him and find out why he did it.

  2. Don't put up with any cheating.  Your son will take your relationship as an example of how he will treat women, including you.  Fathers influence their children with their behavior and so do mothers.  If something is not right... children grow up thinking it is normal.  You should teach your son that when a person is in a relationship and loves someone, they treat that person with kindness and respect.

    You deserve better and, frankly, so does your son.  He may be a good father, but if he is setting that kind of example... you need to take a stand that you are a valuable person and need to be respected and treated that way.  

    If you feel that you need to give him another chance, that is your choice.  But I would make i clear that any unfaithfullness will be the last straw.  Do not tollerate anyone who cannot respect you!  You deserve way better.  Your son will be glad you respected yourself and took a stand.

    Good luck to you and your son in your future decisions.  And just remember... "Life is too short to dance with ugly men."  Ugly in any way including personality, treatment of you, morals, etc...

  3. Dear... if u love him.. if u really love him.. give him chance.. .. like this.. he will respect u .. more.. and he will fell .. dat.. yeh.. she lovez me.. .. think about ur 3 yrs old son .. i think he need.. man in da house.. .. .. .. think .. relax.. decide.. don take any decision in hurry .. think about the future of ur son..

  4. Leave him. You're better than that. You're a mother. Is that the kind of example you want to set for your son. Kick his *** out!!

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