
Will i grow anymore?

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well i turned 17 in may i 5'6 1/2 my mom is 5'3 my dad is 5'10 1/2..all my moms brothers are over 6 feet and i am he only male cousin on both sides of the family that is under 6 there a chance ill grow anymore since most of the guys in my family are over 6 feet. or did i just get unlucky hah




  1. im pretty sure u'll grow

    depends wen u hit puberty

    some guys grow till theyre in theyre 20's

    different people grow at different rates

    (wen i was in 6th grade i was the same height as u)

    so i grew fast LOL

    but i know people who r shorter then u who r around the same age

  2. Sorry buddy, you were stuck with the bad genes. However, theirs good news, BIG THINGS COME IN SMALL PACKAGES.

  3. Males tend to grow all the way into their early twenties, so it's possible that you may still grow more.  But, judging by the heights of your parents, don't be surprised if you're more or less done growing. There's only one way to know for sure, and thats to have a doctor take an x-ray and look at the growth plates in your bones. Most people's final heights are somewhat similar to their parents.
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