
Will i have loose skin if i loose weight? and i am 5''8 and 16stone (224lbs)?

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im only 17, and plan to lose weight... please dont give me lectures on whats safe etc. do you think i would have lose skin if i got down to say 10 stone? if i use bio oil and moisturise regulary? is there anything i can do to prevent it?




  1. well my mate used to be around 13 stone and she dropped down to 9 stone slowly but she didn't get loose skin because she did stretches every morning you should do that

  2. when you lose weight yes,the probability of loose skin is inevitable. thats why you must always do both cardio and toning exercises..

  3. Hey, i'm 16, was 16 stone 2, now 11 stone 2, I have a bit of untoned fat on my belly, which is separate to the small amount of remaining fat. So yeh I kinda have a bit, but will go in time, with toning etc. I took me nearly since last november to lose all of this so it does take time, the longer it takes the less likely to get stretched skin etc.

  4. If you do it now, you will have some loose skin, but it should firm up in a relatively short time.  As we get older, our skin becomes less elastic and doesn't get back to fitting the understructure (muscle tissue, bone, etc) as well.  oils and lotions are fine, but if you are drinking enough clear fluids (non-caffein) you really shouldn't need them.  Enough is 64 ounces a day.  Good luck!

  5. i'm 5'8". i've come down to 185 from 232 and i have no loose skin fortunately. let's see how it looks after another 50. *fingers crossed*.

    i didnt use any creams, or do stretches or anything. maybe I just have good skin. or maybe i didnt lose enough weight to have loose skin yet. we'll see in time i guess.

    good luck!

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