
Will i have time for a dog? between sports and school will it be hard for me to take care of a dog?

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i want a small dog like a miniature greyhound but my mom is freaking out cuz i have football and basketball and those are right after school until like 5pm. and then other than homework i have the rest of the day and the mornings b4 school to take care of it. and sports end eventually. do you think i will have enough time for it. and are small dogs even hard to take care of??




  1. Dogs are not hard to take care of, but somewhat time consuming.

    If you do get a dog, I recommend that you get an adult dog, already housebroken, from a shelter or rescue.  We don't walk our dogs; we let them out into the backyard, and we pay "Scooper Troopers" to come regularly to clean our yard.  However, we still have to make sure someone gets home in the middle of the day to let them out.

    The most important thing a dog needs is attention!  Dogs are not loners.  You need time to play with him!  We have 4 dogs, so they can play with each other, but you can tell they still want human attention.  Fortunately my roommates and I have different work schedules.

  2. hmm.. hard to say..    I have four dogs and 2 jobs.. so, it wouldn't seem like I have time..  but, I manage to get up early to walk and play with them, work one job, come home, put them out (and bring back in), then at night I walk again and play with them..   on my days off I spend time at the beach with them, I also have one of them in training classes..  

    You COULD manage.. especially, if your parents are willing to help out with letting it out during the day..  but it will take a HUGE bite out of your social life..  so, either train the dog to go places with you (two of mine go almost everywhere with me) , or just don't spend a lot of time with friends..    

  3. Any dog, big or small, requires an investment of time and money to be healthy and well-adjusted.  Why not wait & see after school starts, and all your activities, and after a few months see realistically how much time you'll have to devote to a dog.

  4. every dog is hard to take care of and you need more time with your dog because it will be to late to train him and much more it might be to hard for you

  5. You can always go to pet shelters and foster a dog (they give you all you need to care for it eg. Food)

    or take a dog "on trial" for a week or so.

    And if it doesn't work out don't get one.

    I've done this many times. I now have 3 dogs though.

  6. all dogs are hard to take care of. no matter big or small.

    My dog is tiny put she requires attention, love, and care. If you think you have all of these, go for it.  

  7. All dogs require work and lots of time to take care of them.  Who is going to train the dog if you are gone all day?  I would say you should forget about it until you have more time to spend with a dog or your family is willing to train the dog

  8. It doesn't matter if the dog is big or small, dogs need a lot of attention.  If you're asking the question, you probably don't have enough time for the dog.  Your schedule sounds pretty full right now.  Why not wait until you have the time that the dog deserves?

  9. Why not try it out by asking neighbors if you can exercise their dog?

    Once you see how much time the dog needs, you can work out if you will have enough time.

    Read books about dog care - and talk to breeders at dog shows.  There are dogs that don't need much exercise but will your family be able to take the dog out during the day whilst you are at school?  Dogs need someone there for most of the day - they are more sociable than cats - and need to be taken out every 3 - 4 hours.

    Verite R

  10. don't get a dog now or your mom will be the one caring for it and being pissed off at you.

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