
Will i have to pay child maintenence aswell?

by  |  earlier

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My partner pays child maintenence for his child from a previous relationship he has to pay 20% of his income...

When we get married does that mean that I will have to pay maintenence aswell? We also have a child together...

really need advice




  1. if you are married and live together no. if u break up or arent living together yes

  2. In the UK no.  The maintenence comes out of your HUSBANDS pay packet and it will come out along with tax etc.  

    You have no claim to your husbands previous child so you don't need too worry!

  3. no, the 20% will only come from his pay check.  

  4. Well..if you separate your finances than it's his duty to pay but if you have one account, you are both paying in essence.  When people marry, any money made usually belongs to both husband and matter where it comes from.

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