
Will i live to see a big big scientific breakthrough or something amazing like that?

by  |  earlier

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like say global warming at its worst stage?

i am 15 now so all this has to take place before at least 2075 after that i am dead lol




  1. Recreation of a dinosaur like creature.

    Oil vanishing.

    Space travel.

    splicing of computers and humans.

    Cures for aids, cancer, colds, flu?

    Who knows!  Just think what we had a lifetime ago.  no planes, cars, tvs, radios, computers... the list just goes on and on.  

    Most of what could happen has not even been thought of yet!  being 15 you could very easily think of something that will change the world.  you might be the next edison, or Ford.

    You can do it!

  2. u will see the day that George W. Bush dies :)

    and when cars start to fly

    and when global warming takes its effect all the dead people with breast implants will have their implanta floating all over the world

  3. Depends on what you consider to be a break through..........

    If we are lucky  we will see cures for serious diseases.....  ie cancer

    If we are lucky,  and stop eliminating the rain forests( --- we can't research and test what we eradicate)

    I believe we will see a more (grand/practical)) space station....

    maybe even a small civilization in space............

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