
Will i look OK with make-up??

by  |  earlier

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ive only tryed mascara, nd that look OK. will i look ok with eyeliner & llipgloss??

this is a pic of me

its not very good sorry theres more on my MySpace page too




  1. your page is set to private. we can't see it. or i can't see it.

  2. Right I think that you will suit a bit of eyeliner and lipgloss, as your skin looks good so you don't have to worry about foundation and concelour or anything like that just yet.

    Another thing I know you haven't asked but your hair could also be added into the look, it's all about making you feel more confident aswell. Let it down as it looks like it would suit you and with dark eyes could add a sense of mystery.

    Maybe also use eyelash curlers to add a bit of shape, eyeliner, a clear lipgloss and possibly a sutble shade for eyeshadow will suit you.

  3. make-up makes every1 look good :D

  4. ya it nice

  5. Everyone looks better with make-up. Make sure it's not trashy looking though.

  6. I wouldn't go for lipgloss try brown eyeliner peachey blusher & also a highlight defo!!

    Carry on with the mascara aswell ;]

    Good luck!  x

  7. Yeah, you`re cute and will definitely look good with eyeliner and lipgloss! :)

  8. your profile is private.

  9. profile is private.:)

  10. The link isnt workng. It says you have to add use because its a private profile...

    Your best off to give us a photobucket link or another uploading site link to the photo.

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