
Will i look to big on a 14.2hh pony?

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I am 5ft 5(168cm) and weigh 47kg(104 pounds) would a 14.2 pony be okay for me or should i ride something bigger?




  1. im 5'5 also, and i might be buying a 14.2 horse

    i look totally normal and you'll look fine

  2. You should be perfectly fine to ride a 14.2hh....umm you may want to buy something a bit bigger tho, if you are still growing, because a larger horse you wont grow out of if you are still growing!  Good Luck!

  3. lol i had the same problem and im the same hight as you! well my horse not pony horse is 14.2 14.3 and i dont look big on him at all! they can carry lik 200 ounds so dont worry! :]

  4. I am five foot one and I was looking rather big on a 14.2.  If you are a kid and growing still I would go for something bigger!

  5. hey i'm like exactly the same size as you! i weigh a like 5 pounds more than you but anyways! no your not too big! i jump on my friends 13hand pony and we look great!

  6. If you are just doing light riding, that would be fine. I am 5'6 and ride our 14.1 pony on trail rides, however, I feel I am too big to jump or do heavy work on her. Other things to consider; breed (is it a light breed or a heavier? a halfliger can hold a much bigger person than a shetland or welsh.) What is your age? If you are young, will you grow out of this pony in a year or two?

  7. yeah, sure, i can ride a 14.2 and I'm about 5cm taller than you are. It also depends on the pony - if its a slim, showy type it would make you look bigger, but if it was stocky and well-built it would look a lot bigger than what it actually is.

    Remember - ponies are very strong! a Shetland pony can pull a cart and carry you easily, so who's to say a 14.2hh pony couldn't?

    I rode a 12.. welshie around until i was 12 years old (i was very tall for my age, bear in mind) do you think i looked?!

  8. totally up to you.  at your height and weight a 14.2 will be fine if you have found one you really like.  how old are you??  if you are 'still growing' you might want to go bigger.  im 5ft 7' and ride loads of 14.2's - you're at that lucky height and weight where you are free to go big or small!!!!

  9. I am 5'5 and weigh more than you. I just sold a 13.2hh pony and am now breaking a 14 hh pony. If you buy the right pony, you definitely will not be too big.  

  10. Yes I ride ponies(14.2hh) and I am 5ft7 and 50kg. In the weekend I had to compete a 11.3hh pony! Many adults ride ponies also, I don't think many people are too big for full sized ponies.

  11. if you rode a horse with quite alot of bone like a cob or something you would look fine but a warmblood type you may look to small for but seriously honey i ride tiny ponies like seriously 12hh or so sometimes smaller and i am over 5ft 6 as long as your not to heavy for the horse (ask th horse owner for the weight limit) it wont matter whether ure 6ft or 4ft

  12. Right, I'm 5 foot 8 and I'm riding my 14.2 Welsh x quite comfortably at the moment. My feet are nowhere near past his sides and he seems to carry me easily.

    You should be fine. If you're still not sure, remember a horse can carry up to 20% its own body weight :)


  13. u should be fine but if you think that your pony is getting tired easly stop and get a bigger horse

  14. you should bee fineeeeeee :DD

    it really just depends if you have longer legs or longer torso,

    and if the pony has a short or long neck (:

    goodluck :D

  15. Given your height and your weight, I'd say you would suit a 14.2 pony very admirably.  Ponies are quite the choice for plenty of people, and with a pony of the right build and conformation, I think you'd probably do nicely.  Given how light you are, there's not a problem with your weight, since ponies are capable of carrying quite much more.  In terms of height, and depending on the discipline you have chosen, a stockier pony will take up your leg better because of their wider barrels.  This will mean you'll fit the pony better than a slimmer narrower built one, since your leg might stop at a stocky pony's elbow or past it with a slimmer pony.  It's just a bit of optical illusion, that's all. :)

    In my honest opinion, if you are happy on a 14.2 pony then go for it!  I'm 5'6" and own a little tank of a Haflinger.  He's 14.1 hands, and we fit together perfectly considering most of my height is in my legs.  But with his wide barrel, we look perfect together.  You're the one buying(?) the pony, if you're happy with him or her, then go for it!  You don't need anyone else's advice since you're the one writing the check.

  16. if you are going to buy a horse i would suggest around 15hh but if you are just helping someone ride their horse or at a riding school a 14hh pony is fine

  17. you should look fine! my horse is 14.3 and i'm 5'8 and i look perfect on her!  

  18. It depends on the pony's build.  My friend recently bought a 13.3 haflinger and she is 5'6, but she doesn't look silly on him since he is so stocky and strong.  At 5'5 and 104 lbs, I would think you would be just fine.  I have ridden stocky 14.2 horses when I was taller and heavier than you.

  19. You can definitely ride a 14.2 pony- it will be able to carry you well. But if you were looking to buy a horse, I would buy a little bigger, if I were you. :)

  20. Up to you to answer. I guess it's borderline... Look at this picture to see for yourself...

  21. no it will be fine for you. my pony is 14.1 and im 5'4" and i dont look big on him.  

  22. Hi, I am 5'4", slim build  and weigh 8-8.5st. I regularly ride & show ponies  up to 14.2 hh and  look in proportion to my mount , unless they are very fine bred .

  23. I own a 14.2 hand pony/horse, I'm 5'6 and 135 lbs.

    Not only do we look fine together, but I know I'm not too much of a load for her- we compete in competitive trail rides, where we ride 40 miles of trails, ranging from flat and sandy to mountainous, and we do fine!

    You're plenty small enough to ride a pony, and from personal experience, I can tell you, I prefer a large pony to a big, tall horse any day!  Easier to climb up onto!!  

  24. you might look a little large but i know for i fact that it could carry you with no problem!

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