
Will i looked over exaggerating. if i called my son summer camp due to the earthequake??

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i want to know if his doing oky?????




  1. They'd call you if everything was not OK.  Stop  being paranoid.

  2. If I lived in So. Cal. right now, I would want to be sure my family was all okay. We had a 5.3 quake here in Illinois a few months back, and I called my parents house where my son was at 4am, I didn't wake anyone, the quake had done that, but they were all fine. If your son's summer camp is closer to the epicenter, I would definitely call, don't be surprised if you have trouble getting through though, I've heard cell phones aren't working, and I'm sure plenty of parents are calling in to check on their children.

  3. That is one reason that you should call and check on him.  Remember that a lot of other parents may be calling too so you may get a busy signal for a while.

  4. Well depends is he in New York. If he is in a location to worry about based on where the earthquake was then worry about him. don't be ashamed about caring about your child. no one has a right to judge.

  5. Caring about your children is never over exaggerating!!!

  6. I would definatley call, I wouldn't think twice if it was my child. He'd probably be glad to know you cared that much!

  7. of course call!

  8. I called my in laws after the 9-11 attacks to make sure my daughter was ok and we live in Illinois!!  Go ahead and call!

  9. call him, im sure you wont be the first parent to have called their child either, will put your mind at ease

  10. It is hard as a parent.  Always remember no news is good news.  If there were hits in his area you would have heard on the news.

    They will contact you.

  11. If they were near the earthquake and haven't called you to tell you your son is fine, I would call them and find out if everything is ok!  That is being a responsible parent!  I would already be on my way to camp, depending on the age of the child and how close the camp is to the earthquake!!

  12. I felt the 5.8 earthquake. If your son close by u should try calling the camp counciler.

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