
Will i loose my girl to sids?

by  |  earlier

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i smoked through my pregnancy and was unaware of the increased risk of sids to my baby. my baby girl is now a month old and she is my life. i love her to bits and am scared of loosing her. im scared to fall asleep. I have two other boys however i never smoked with them. what is the likelihood of me loosing her to sids. i would die without her. I no longer smoke.




  1. I'm not sure if you'll lose her but i know that it's not good to smoke when your pregnant or after you give birth. talk to your doctor or your babies doctor

  2. I smoked during my pregnancy (I know bad thing to do it was a stressful time in my life) and I now have a healthy beautiful almost 2 year old. I think your baby will be fine.  

  3. i smoked with my 2 children now aged 7 and almost 3 and they are happy healthy babies

    i never smoked inside or when holding my baby though and i no longer smoke

    since you no longer smoke it shouldnt be a problem but dont let anyone else smoke inside or while holding your baby

    place your baby on its back to sleep

    all these things reduce the risk of sids

    try not to worry  

  4. I smoked during all 3 of mine. All 3 are big and healthy, That's just a myth created by non smokers in lab coats to get more smokers to quit.

    Don't worry about it.  

  5. My mom smoked with all three of her pregnancies, and my brothers and I are fine!

  6. i smoked wiht my first two pregnancies and they are now 5 and 7 yrs old and doing well... i wouldnt worry too much about it.. good luck

  7. speak to ur doctor babe, i went through this with my babies i ended up exhausted and no use to anyone

    i was convinced my baby would die if i put it in a cot or moses basket so i kept them on my chest which was putting them more at risk i wouldnt have  a sleep if the baby was asleep because i needed to keep checking they were ok

    my son is 18months old now and still

    not sleeping through the night i know its my fault because i kept waking him to make sure he was ok!!

    smoking isnt good but u cant keep putting urself through this worry u need to try and enjoy ur beautiful lil girl

    sadly sids can affect anyone, a lady i know lost her son a few weeks after we had our baby she was a nonsmoker

  8. I will just be honest rather then lie but reseach does show that you have a higher risk of losing a child to sids if the mother was a smoker durning pregnancy (among other things) thats why they advise you dont do those  things during that time. I read an article that new studies show that sids doesnt just stop at infants anymore but it can go up to the 3rd year or so read here

    sorry if i freaked you out but you should have thought about her being your world when you smoked those cigs. I was a very heavy smoker 2 packs a day but when i found out i was preg i stopped right away because loving and caring for your children doesnt start when they are born. there is not much you can do now and im sure you feel guilty but from now on if you see others doing that advice them not to and share your feelings cause not only is it messed up to deprive your child of clean oxygen in the womb its also looks ghetto =]

  9. ok you may have been unaware of the effects after the birth, but what about while you were pregnant? what makes yoour 2 little boys lives while in utero more precious than when you were pregnant with the little girl?

    i dont mean to come across as judgemental, but from someone who has lost 2 babies and had a great deal of troublle conceiving the 3rd, i just cant understand why people would make selfish choices to smoke, or drink or do whatever during pregnancy.

    unfortunately, if SIDS is going to happen, its going to happen. there is no predicting it and there is no stopping it. there are measures you can take to decrease the chance, but nothing is definate.

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