
Will i lose a lot of weight when fasting?

by Guest65624  |  earlier

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im going to fast for ramadan. however im already fairly slim and dont want to lose weight. i need to main and/ or gain a little.

how do i prevent my body from losing any weight while i am fasting? serious answers please. like what should i eat. etc.





  1. not really. i fast too and i  never lose weight. if anything i gain it. its a misconception you lose weight becasue really you eat more in that moth than you usually do. if your asain you will get a lot of oily food when you break your fast. just make sure you eat helthy nutritous food. should be fine.

  2. I think you can eat after sunset during Ramadan, am I wrong? If you're worried, do eat when you're allowed to. You should be okay and not lose that much. If you want to make sure and you sleep most of the night, eat pasta, rice, grains, seeds, fish... You shouldn't lose that much, if any. If you want to gain weight in a healthy way, go for protein and good fats!  

  3. Am I correct in saying that during Ramadan, you can eat after sundown? Or something similar? Sorry, I'm not exactly familiar with the rules but is there a certain time during the day that you can eat?

      Make sure that during this time, you get all the nutrients you need. Don't just pig out on junk food, either. Eat healthy fruit and vegetables and substantial foods with lots of vitamines. Make sure you get carbs too to keep you going through the day. Try and also eat foods that will fill you up for longer, rather than just candy and rubbish that will give you a sugar high. Thats not to say that you should completely stay away from sugary foods. Have a bit of what you fancy, just as long as you get plenty of the good stuff too!

      Fasting is sometimes a last resort for people and celebrities to lose a couple of pounds before an event, but most of the weight that they lose is water weight anyway and comes straight back on when they start to eat normall again. So you shouldn't have to worry too much about losing weight just as long as you get your calories and nutrition during the hours that you can eat!  

  4. Have white bread with butter and jam or marmalade for breakfast and lots of rice or potato during dinner. If you're allowed, drink full-fat milk during the day instead of water. Have dessert!  

  5. It will help you loose weight at the time but as soon as you start eating again you'll put weight on faster because your metabolism will have slowed right down.

  6. I always gain weight during ramadan.Because of eating lots of fried foods etc.You can eat fried foods during ramadan to gain weight.

  7. I apologise if I have misunderstood the rules of your fast, but it was my understanding that you could eat after sunset, though I don't know if that means full meals.

  8. carbs - lots and lots of white bread and croissants ect

  9. Depends on what kind of fast.

    If it is a completely "no food, only water" fast, you will definitely lose weight.

    But when you start eating again, you will gain weight right back.

    Rememebr to start eating liquids and soft foods.

    If its a "only fruit & vegetable" fast, then you will not lose that much weight.

  10. Don't worry i don't think you will lose any weight because people who are anorexic they only start to lose weight after a long period of time because the body after a few months goes into hibernation mode and stores all the fat it can and then after your body will start eating the fat and then the muscle but don't worry your not fasting for that long.. xx :) Hope i've helped

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