
Will i lose muscle or water when I stop creatine use? how much can i expect to lose? ?

by  |  earlier

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I have been using creatine monohydrate for roughly a month and am wondering, since creatine increases water retention in cells how much of my gains is consisted of water rather than muscle, and how much of it will be lost.

1 month ago i started at

5'10-' 167lbs

now I'm





  1. Creatine does add water weight to your overall weight.depending on whether you just started working out a month ago your muscle could be filled with just water and you probably would lose alot of that muscle appearance..strength wise you will remain the same, just the overall tone of the muscle would go away..If you have been working out constantly for a good 6 months then i dont see that by stopping the use of Creatine would cause a whole lot of muscle loss.

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