My baby is due in February next year and although I am happy I just cannot let myself get excited and it is tearing me and my partner apart. Let me explain:
I have two kids from a previous R-ship and they were both taken into care due to my on off R-ship with their daddy, the fact that i had agoraphobia and couldnt really leave the house due to this illness. The dad was on drugs and had been inside for violence and put me in hospital before. Even though i left him and tried my best to get my kids back, they were eventually adopted off to a lovely couple. i am still having contact with my kids as its an open adoption and my ex is not allowed any contact whatsoever! Anyway over the past 2 years since this happened, i have a new partner and am alot better with my agoraphobia as i can do things now that i couldnot before, such as walk out my flat, go shopping alone and this kind of thing! i dont want to lose this baby cuz of what happened with my other 2 kids. my lifes changed 4 better