
Will i pass this drug test?

by  |  earlier

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ok first off i had not smoked weed in about 7 monhs, and then one night i took one hit out of a pipe, about a week later i took another hit off a joint that my friends had going around at a party. i take my drug test tomorrow for probation, the length of time passed from the last hit at the party, and tomorrow will be 18 days, im just worrying a bit, cuase its my *** if i fail!, what do you think? will i pass?

and please no answers like"well mabey you should not smoke next time" i understand i should not be smoking while having monthly drug tests but hey, what happened happened, it wont happen again though lol

h and for the record, i work full time in an automotive garage in south texas (hot!) sweat daily and drink alot of water while at work, weight 170, small amount of pudge on my stomach, but also quite a bit of muscle...skateboarder also




  1. Drink a lot of water constantly. stop if you feel dizzy, but as soon as you don't start drinking again. water will help you pee all of the drug particles in your intestines and give you a higher chance of passing.

  2. it all depends on your body b/c i had the same thing happen but as long as you just took one hit and you drink a **** load of water you should be ok.......but i cant be sure it its different for different people....i hope i  have been some help......GOOD LUCK

  3. Don't listen to any of these other posters.  I am going to bet that you will pass your test.  Because you are not a chronic smoker (right?), the THC in your system would have disappeared from your system in a couple (3-9) days.  Just be sure to maintain a clean system and try NOT to smoke because really you are only hurting yourself in the end.  Also, drinking a lot of water isn't going to help you because court appointed tests are pretty accurate and will pick up on high levels of water in urine or other drug test liquids.  Anyway, drinking a lot of liquids won't help seeing as though THC is encapsulated in your fat cells and the rate at which it dissipates is completely dependent on your metabolism, not how much you p**s out.  

  4. maybe you have muscles from the weed. lol

    lol don't you feel dead and woozy afterwards

  5. THC stays in the system for 6 months.  you will not pass your test, and your parole will be revoked.  good job.  maybe you'll learn to make new friends when you get released again.

  6. From what I know from a police officer it still in your head if they super really want to know. But friends tell me you must constantly drink water. A gallon in one day or more. You constantly restroom out water and water. But like I said the first time if they really want to know its still on you. That is your bad for life if you cannot clean your system  in-time.

  7. dont do drugs. they mess up your life

  8. NO  

  9. it depends...

    weed can stay in your system for up to a month

  10. you will not pass

  11. just drink cranberry juice.

  12. it takes at least a month to get it out of your system

    im sorry to say but you probably will not pass.

    for the next couple hours just drink a bunch of water and pickle juice. =]

  13. You might get lucky.  For non-chronic smokers, THC can go out of the system in a week.  18 days should be enough but don't count on getting lucky again.  Take a look at what you are doing.  Even though you could go to jail, yes JAIL, for smoking pot, you choose to smoke it anyway.  Anyone who can't refuse drugs/alcohol in the face of adverse legal consequences has a drug problem.  How insane is this?  You are freaking out about getting in serious legal trouble for smoking pot?! While already on probation?!  You obviously have a conscience, now don't forget to use it more often.

  14. i think you should be ok, i would drink a lot of water on the day of the test, and dont do it again next month!

  15. oh you'll be alright...  just don't do it anymore.  if you're really nervous about it then have someone pee in a condom for you and tape it to your leg or your private regions to keep it warm.  

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