
Will i pay for this or will they let me go in the airport in JFK?

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my airlines, china airlines, allows me to bring a 50-pound checked baggage piece, my piece weighs about 56 pounds, will they charge me? and also, my carry on piece is 18 pounds when it can only be 15, will they charge me for this? my mother told me they would let it slide, but im only wondering. they also say that i can bring two pieces of baggage for free, im bringing my laptop bag, which is 18-pounds, and a handbag, which is 10. do these two items have to comply to the carry-on rule of 15 pounds? im leaving thursday so please help!!




  1. It depends on the person you get when you're checking your luggage but generally they'll let 1-2 pounds slide, not 6.  Move some of the stuff in your carry-ons from one bag to the other if you can.  It's expensive if you're over also! Sorry for the bad news.  Good Luck!

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