
Will i reach my aim that is will i complete my BBM AND MBA in distinction

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will i complete my BBM and MBA in distinction




  1. why not if u will have strong determination then u can achieve it

  2. yes!

    why not

    study more!

    best of luck!

  3. If you have confidence and ready to work hard;you can achieve your task..

    All the best..

  4. it depands on ur strong aim ,didication towards you'r  work and study.

    and how much u take intrest in u r study.

  5. i beleive that if u are doubtful about yourself and have to ask this question from peoplle who dont even know u personally and cannot even assess your abilities, then u can not achieve distinction.

    still, wish u all the best.

    if u are trying to ask the same astlogicalyy, ushould have given the date and place of birth. for an astrolger to predict about it

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