
Will i receive a speeding ticket?

by  |  earlier

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i was driving along today i think maybe about 37 36 mph in a 30 zone, my speedos optimistic by 3mph

i saw a mobile camera on my side of the road,

braked didnt think i quite got back to 30maybe just over

but will i get points?

which side of the road do the mobile ones cover

im really worried i may have just got my first ticket




  1. Welcome to the Socialist States of America.  Next up:  Personal safety representatives stationed in every American home.

  2. You're worried about a 37 in a 30.  I am always at least 5 over on the speed checkers and I have never received a ticket (from the clocker at least).  I wouldn't worry, but then again I'm in the US.  Other countries are not as lenient.

  3. mobile 1s face towards u if u managed to slow to 33 ish u might get away with it but they have good distance on them they might offer u drivers improvement course instead of the points

  4. I am glad you are worried. Perhaps you will avoid running over a small child in the future due to this event.

  5. The mobile will have  been pointing at you but with a bit of luck you will be OK as usually there is another policeman further down the road who pulls you in to issue the ticket.

  6. I was caught doing 35 in a 30 limit and I was travelling on the other side of the road from the van holding the camera( pointed in the direction I was travelling) . I accepted an invitation to attend a Speed Awareness Course and avoided points on my license.

  7. I think they may make an exception if its only a few miles over. If you do receive a ticket, then you can always try appealing. Hope i helped a little bit.

  8. Stay worried, it is best for all of us.

  9. You was breaking the law before you saw the camera, hoping you will be fined,next time you will observed the speed limit

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