
Will i recover in time ?

by  |  earlier

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I ate a dodgy chicken on Wednesday.

Started to feel my stomach rumbling on Thursday.

The worst of it was Thursday night when i was

1) Going toilet every 30 minutes

2) Sweating like a pig.

I started to recover on Friday although i was still going toilet every 30 minutes.

On Saturday ( Yesterday ) i was just going toilet every 30 minutes but wasn't getting stomach aches etc.

Today ive been going toilet every 45 minutes.

Do you recon i will be fully recovered by Tuesday ?





  1. Don't rely on your self medication-Consult with your house physician.Drink saline water--You will be cured in times.

  2. Sounds like a mild case of salmonella.  I've had it before, but it never lasted very long.  You should probably drink some orange juice and plenty of water to avoid getting dehydrated, and take some Immodium or charcoal capsules to help with the diarrhea.  This usually works for me, but if you aren't better by tomorrow morning, I would suggest seeing a doctor.

  3. doubtful but possible

    eat eat soup and ginger ale and drink lots of fluids i did that for like 3 days and was all better and my dad had the same thing and didnt do it and was sick for like 2 weeks  

  4. i dunno, but i feel for you as i think i might be in the same positioin - ever since lunch a few hours ago i've gone to the toilet 6 times!

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