
Will i still get WIC?

by  |  earlier

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i have a wic appointment and its the one that you have to bring proof of income and Maine care card. i don't have Maine Care anymore (i don't have insurance any more) and for some reason not thinking i did not keep any pay stubs like i should. my question is will they still take me even though i don't have insurance and i don't have my pay stubs any more? i am really worried that i am going to lost it my daughter is only 2 years old.




  1. here in florida they give you a temporary wic certification. insurance is not a requirement for certification here in florida. if you do not have a paystubs and are working then get a letter from your employer. if your not working then tell them your not working...if that doesn't work then ask if you can get a letter from someone notarized or not...

  2. do you still have the card though?  It doesn't matter if you dont have the insurance, just bring the card.  If it doesn't work, they will either make you reschedule when you have the pay stubs and wait for the checks or they may give you 1 month worth of checks and have you come back in a month to show your stuff.

  3. Yeah here in Oregon, I never had to prove my income, I just told them. I dont believe that insurance was even an issue...

  4. I didn't research Maine for WIC, but I'm pretty sure that insurance has nothing to do with WIC.  As for the paystubs, every WIC is supposed to verify income if you are working.  If you are working, then you'll need to call your employer and get your paychecks copied, or you can present your tax returns, and they can go off your Adjusted Gross Income.  If you don't have a job, then you just tell them that, and you should be approved easily because you'll have very little income.  If you are unemployed, and your spouse is working, then you'll have to go off his income.  You'll also need to bring proof of residence.  The usually like to see a water bill, electricity bill etc that is mailed to your house.  If you pay rent, you can bring your rental agreement.  They should include a piece of paper that goes through a checklist of the items that you need to provide and what will work.  

  5. well here in PA they wont give you your checks if you do not have your paystubs with you.... its a new law. I dont think you have to have a medical card to have it, it just is something else that makes you qualify for the program.

  6. I don't know about in Maine , but here in Michigan I didn't have to prove my income. They just asked me and I told them. And not having insurance has nothing to do with whether or not you are eligible for WIC.
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