
Will i still get a tan even if it's overcast?

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it is cloudy and i think there are predictions of possible showers, so will it be a waste of time if i try to go tanning right now? or will i still get some color?




  1. The answer is yes.

    However, you will most likely get ‘burned’ first, as UV rays penetrate cloud cover whereas, the tanning rays (infrared) do not.

    edit: correction to siris; It is the other way round. short waves are blocked, long waves penetrate

  2. Yes, you'll tan, unless you're fair-skinned in which case you'll get a sunburn instead.

  3. You absolutely will get exposure. It will be slightly to somewhat lower than full sunlight, but its there.

    I Dont know what part of the continent you reside in but lightning is very dangerous. Watch for that too

  4. You'll still get sun.. I know lots of people get sunburned when it's overcast because they don't feel the heat and don't protect their skin..

    Based on this, I would think that it's possible to get a tan.

  5. You can get a tan when it's overcast.  The thicker the clouds the less likely you are to tan.  It is even possible to get a burn under a thin layer of clouds.


  6. Yes u can still get a tan. Its a common misconception that u don't need sun screen on a cloudy day.Never underestimate the power of the sun

  7. It depends on how cloudy it is. If it's partly cloudy, you may get the same amount of sun, so don't stay out longer than you normally would. On a really cloudy day, especially if it's supposed to rain, there will be less UV exposure, but there will still be some. You might not get as tan in the same amount of time, but it's not a complete loss.

  8. Clouds block most of the UV rays, so most likely no.

  9. even if it is overcast you can still get a tan.... or some of a tan.  you won't get the same color you would if it was sunny but you will still get some.

  10. Actually it is when you get the best tan.

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