
Will i still make the try outs?

by Guest10874  |  earlier

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on monday i tried out for highschool volleyball i did pretty well. but today i messed up pretty badly and several times right in front of the coaches/judges!!!!!! do u think i`ll still be on one of the teams? plus there is only like 36 people all together trying out




  1. Everyone has their off days and coaches are pretty good at taking that into consideration.  I think that you still have a great chance at making one of the teams.  My freshman year I didn't work out AT ALL over the summer so after the first day of tryouts I was so sore I could barely move the second day and I made JV.  Everyone messes up, even people who are paid to play mess up.  Message me and tell me how you did.  KK?  Good luck! I'll be hoping for you.  My try outs are on the 14th and my elbow is still healing from a dislocation...we all need a little hope and luck right now.

  2. oh of course you will

    i'm just saying this to make you happy

  3. It's not how bad you do that the coaches nessacarily look at, it's your attitude...

    as long as you keep your chin up and stay confident you'll do fine coaches look for confidence and someone who won't give up!!!

  4. It depends on the school, how well the other people do, and how well you do, I think you'll make it =D

  5. I agree with the girl above me it's about your attitude not your skills

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