
Will india has ability to face ajanthamendis in 3rd test?

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Will india has ability to face ajanthamendis in 3rd test?




  1. S..

  2. who is mendis? had he fallen from the sky, nothing to worry, we had lot improved our batting in the 2test, particularly in the thiird test we will teach mendis how indian batsman we expert in handling the spin bowling.

    Belive india will definetely win in the third test and make history in colombo.

  3. Though Colombo is a better batting pitch Mendis's control and variety will still demand watchful play.

    We can hope they won't do as badly as in 1st test.

  4. They had show in last test

  5. Both Sehwag and Gambhir have already tackled him very well. Now it is for the others to follow suit and play well against Mendis. Mendis can be tackled easily if batsmen have patience. He should be hit for ones and twos and batsmen should keep on rotating the strike. Or else, Mendis should be hit for fours or sixes. You can not play defensive shots against this bowling.  

  6. Well, Sehwag and Gambhir 've already picked Mendis in the last test match. India certainly has the ability to play well against any spinner, may it be Murali or Mendis! But u can't overlook Mendis's talent, he bowls a mixture of deliveries, including googlies, off-breaks top-spinners, flippers and leg-breaks, as well as a "flicker" and the "carrom-ball" delivery! He took 10 wickets in the previous match and so u can't say anything with guarantee!  

  7. Ajantha mendis is a new bowler and the Indian players don't know the bowling strategy of him .Hence , the Indian players are struggling to handle him

  8. You cannot say!!...

    You cannot tell whether india can see off mendis's bowling or not.

    When India play their cannot make that kind of prediction.

    Coz India is not a team like Australia who can rectify Mendis's tricks. And easily see off his bowling.

    Mendis has a variety of doing tricks that can beat the batsmen and if india can see off mendis's bowling it will be a huge bonus for them. But right now its either..NO or MAYBE..its not a definate yes.

    P.S: Im from bangalore and its not that I support Sri Lanka. I support India................and Australia.

  9. definitely, no doubts about it with Sehwag and Gambhir's batting.

  10. If India win the toss and bat first, they will not have much difficulty in tackling Mendis in first Innings, though they may face some problem in second innings if wicket start helping spinners.  

  11. yes

  12. no.

  13. Yes, they definitely have the ability to face him, purely because they have a good batting line-up which plays spin well(or maybe known 2 B good players off spin) But it remains to be seen whether they will do it successfully in the 3rd !dea Cup test match against SL:P

    Well many ppl seem to think that attacking mendis will put him off his game for good. But i disagree entirely; mendis will advantagee from batsmen attacking him on a regular basis(asia cup 08') It would be a better idea to attack him sparingly, keeping away his good deliveries. One has to understand that you cant attack every single delivery:P

    p.s - We'll see how dravid and tendulkar handle the SL spinners this time around:D

  14. absolutely !

  15. Yes for sure. Sehwag and Gambhir will crush him. And Indian middle order will do the rest.

  16. Do not think Ajanta was more destructive than Harbhajan or Murali in the 2nd test .

    So YES of course!

  17. yes india will able to face

  18. well I am doubting that Indian batsman or any other batsman will crush Mendis.These are words Of Kirsten,India coach "though i am optimistic that India will win series but Mendis will palgue our Indian Batsman.We have tried the best of video analysis and also sought advice of reading ball but in field there is no slow-motion.Everything happens in instance and Mendis ha 5 variations which make it extremely difficult to face him.He is a prodigy and will take wickets all over the world." I have only advice fro Indian cricketers ie. to attack like Sehwag.If you defended his balls for long,you are gone.

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