
Will insects help lizards, by recording human actions, to regain control of planet earth?

by Guest33011  |  earlier

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After all, insects had it much better when all that dinasour dung was available. No car windshields, no auto exhaust, no fly swatters. Dinasour DNA is included in lizards makeup. Activating this super DNA will be accomplished with the help of insects who seek an end to human planetary (their home) destruction.




  1. They might.  The only problem is that lizards eat insects.  So the real question is which insects is going to approach the lizards for their help.  It's kind of like who was going to bell the cat in the old fable.

  2. I don't know about the insect part, but you are kinda on the right track as far as lizard's go. Let me add to your thoughts the fact that we, yes we,(HUMANS). Have lizard DNA. The better way to put it is Reptilian DNA. Lizards eat insects, I have ate  insects in different forms. Some are a delicatessen in some cultures. Micro-organisms that you can't see could be the main ending. Besides God has alot better imagination than that I'm sure. Be it simple but massive.

  3. Sounds like a budding Sci-Fi writer!

  4. the reptilian or lizard people are already CONTROLLING THE PLANET ,

    browse for Annunali

    And they eat insects for breakfast

    you are a bit behind

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