
Will insurance normally help pay for the "patch" or nicorette?

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My neighbor says it won't but I think she can get either her dentist OR her Dr.To write out a prescription for it..Yes you can buy it over the counter...But my prilosc is covered...I just needed a who is right? My neighbor or me?




  1. No

  2. She doesn't need it.  

  3. I don't think they will pay for that stuff.

  4. I think your neighbor is because when my husband decided to quit smoking our insurance, which has very good coverage because he is in a union, wouldn't cover the over the counter stuff.  He went to our family doctor & she gave a prescription for some medication, which wasn't covered if used to quit smoking but was if used for other things & she also wrote it in the generic form, so there would be less chance of it being questioned & our insurance covered it & he has been quit now for about 5 years.  Added benefit is the medication is a anti-depressant so he never got the cranky, miserable attitude he got when trying other products to quit smoking.  He also takes Prilosec but he had been on it before it went over the counter & I guess that's why they pay for it or it could be its a higher strength dose than the over the counter.  I don't know but I don't question it & am just glad they pay for it.  Each insurance company is different & I would think they would want a person to quit smoking & make it easier on them by paying for the over the counter aids to help people quit. I am sure they would recoup what they spent by people getting & staying well.

  5. probably not.  sometimes they will pay part of something like... chantix or some other program with a more promising success rate - but i seriously doubt your ins will pay for gum or patches.

  6. That would depend on your insurance plan. Mine doesn't cover OTCs, while others do.

  7. everyones insurance is different. it depends on the type plan you have. the patch should be covered under prescription plan.

  8. Insurance companies are pushing drug companies to put more and more drugs on the market with out a prescription.  So since this is over the counter, you don't need a prescription the Insurance company will not pay for it.  If you get your doctor to write a prescription for something that is similar, they might.

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