
Will it be a valid if nonnuclear states execute an agreement with a nuclear state?

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US is a nuclear state, But, India is a non-nuclear state. As per NPT, any non-nuclear state should not transfer the technology to nuclear state. Now, India is trying to access the nuclear technology. Why should it be passed as an act (123 Act)? Why can't it be an agreement like with Russia?




  1. Many countries have signed NPT for non proliferation of nuclear tech. This means they will not use NT for making weapons if they acquire the TECH for any peaceful purpose e.g. power plants etc. and will not try to get NT by illegal means  and also will subject their NT plants for IAEA inspections. Basically signatories have to abide by rules set by IAEA. Now there are some declared nuclear states like US and some like India and Pakistan who have tested nuclear bombs but are not declared N state. India has declared that she will use the NT only for peaceful purpose e.g power. For that Uranium is requied. Since U'm is also used for making bombs, US wants a safeguard b4 it and other suppliers start supplying U'm to India. US wants India to sign NPT and bring India's N power plants under the purview of IAEA.

    123 agreement is a safeguard by US to ensure that India does use the NT and U'm that will come India's way once she signs the NPT only for the declared peacful purpose and not for making N weapons.

  2. (Between The Lines)  

                   Indo-US Nuclear Deal Need Of The Hour.

                                                                        By:  B.S.Dhillon      

                  Power cuts in my city repeatedly reminds me much talked, indo-us civilian Nuclear Deal. India is in dire need of power and so is U.S. for economic transactions. with the 123 deal Us will give India fuel supply and nuclear know hows.Both the countries will benefit economically and nuclear co-operation with this deal and also will be useful for energy for India . Under Section 123 of the U.S. Atomic Energy Act 1954 the U.S., establishes an agreement for cooperation as a prerequisite for nuclear deals between the US and any other nation. Such an agreement is called a 123 Agreement. Till date, the U.S. has entered into roughly twenty-five such 123 Agreements with various countries, including Ukraine, Japan, China and India etc. The nuclear deal between India and US has a lot of features which will benefit both the countries. The agreement will not hinder or interfere with India's nuclear programme for military purposes as well.  India and the US agreed to transfer nuclear material, non-nuclear material, equipment and components.

                  This deal will also end the isolation of India from the international nuclear scenario, which could help in terms of nuclear commerce. Comparison of the 123 agreements signed by China and India clearly indicates greater US trust and a softer approach towards India. While China is not particularly concerned, the Indian opposition parties have complained that the provisions of the Hyde Act will have overriding significance. They do not explain how US domestic laws can dictate the Indian government into accepting constraints that is not in the national interest. U.S. has stated India a responsible nation, so they are giving exceptions to India.Dr. Man mohan Singh Prime Minister of India has expressed his fear of nuclear weapons going in to the hands of terrorists. India had already made it clear that its rights and obligations regarding civil nuclear cooperation came only from the bilateral 123 Agreement and not from the controversial Hyde Act.

                  The protestors to this deal argue that this deal would enable the US to  keep a vigil on the nuclear program of India and thus would be a threat to the security of the nation. The prestige deal for both the counteries is being delayed by the left front of the UPA government.    The Left parties have launched a stir to oppose the Indo-US nuclear deal and have, additionally, threatened to withdraw their support to the government if their concerns are not redressed. It is often said, the Left parties take their ideas from China. Indian left alliance is a group of 9 communist parties lead by the Communist Party of India (Marxist).

    The Left parties and others opposed to this deal are not acting in national interest. But by opposing to this deal has given the impression of anti  development and non cooperartion. If the same deal had been done with Russia then Left would have supported it by thumping majority, their sole position is to reject anything to do with America,but people know that the national leaders of Indian Comrades are internally enjoying hospitality of America, they send their children for education to U.S.A.and  settle their families  therein, but play their politics of Socialism in India. Indian authorities and leaders are regularly visiting China to be friendly with our neighbouring country and it may be  per chance that China said they have nothing to do with the Indo-Us nuclear deal. By opposing this much favourable deal, the left has lost public sympathy. It is their strange strategy that they are opposing Government decisions on roads, but supporting Govt. in parliament. The people are laughing at the dual policy of  left and are forced to comment that Indian communists are neither revolutionary nor reformists. They are still fighting the cold war,not realising that the world has moved on. They are  not grown up, they Left play politics of the play ground . The opposition party, B.J.P is against the deal because the Indian opposition  parties are in the habit of opposing every decision of Government, although they think it quite righ,. in fact B.J.P. too is supporter of this deal, they are jealous it was not them doing the deal . BJP cannot  see what is in the national interest because they are putting vanity first. Now U.S.A. will wait for BJP lead government, if the U P A government failed to complete this  agreement,due to wily Nelly arguments of the left.

                        Dr. Manmohan Singh stated in Parliament that The Indo-US agreement does not stop India from producing material to make nuclear weapons. Indian P.M. Asserted his commitment for independence of our foreign policy and sovereignty of the country. The deal is special one for India, nothing is against Indian national interest. The coming generations will know ,how important is this deal for development of the country. India is free to make nuclear agreements with any country of the world. No one can stop it. More nuclear Reactors can be made. If needed in national interest, India is free  for  nuclear tests for civil purposes. The apposite people of this Agreement say in case of any nuclear test U.S. will scrap this deal. But these are suppositions which need not to be considered at this stage, our need is energy and we have to get it.


                      The international circumstances have opened up new opportunities in South Asia for India and India has a very important role to play in this region. The main thing people need to remember is, there is a strategic change on the ground, and these are the international circumstances that India is getting favours from U.S. even at the cost of Pakistan old friend of U.S. We should get benefit from the international political circumstances.Tody we are living in the era of Global village. No country can survive aloof. In this economic era, whole world is affected. The latest example is of oil prices. It is in Indian national interest to work along with the U.S. and make use of nuclear power for producing more electricity. Indian democracy and transparency is world known. We should make use of it. But left is still having reserves for this deal. India needs a lot of energy. Mostly, reactors come with credit as the Russians have given us in Kudankulam near Chennai. We have one type of reactors (pressurized heavy water reactors); now other types of reactors (light water reactors) can be imported. India need them if we want to increase our energy production.    Along with finance and reactors, we urgently need fuel for the Tarapur plant. For this the Nuclear Suppliers Group has to change its rules. The NSG will not change the rules only because India says I wants it. You can't jump the queue.  As a result, India has to do a few things and complete its part of agreement for fast growth of the country. The 123 agreement is not to get nuclear reactors only from America. This will help French and Russians to give us the reactors.Russians and French are ready to supply reactors we want but they are afraid because of these stringent guidelines. Indian critics have to understand that NSG will not change its rules easily.

                    Indo-U.S.relations started improving after the fall of Soviet Union. That was the time when growth of India had almost stopped and foreign currency reserves were nill.Development was very slow. If  Dr. Manmohn Singh that time our Finance Minister had not changed our economic policy, then India was going to meet the same fate as of Soviet Union. The reserved Gold for Indian currency was mortgaged with the World Bank and within next six months country was not able to pay for the army, in that case India would have been disintegrated like Soviet Union. In 1991 Dr.Manmohan Singh at the time of presentation of Indian Budget has said, “the Ideology can not be stopped for which time had come”. That was the time to sail Indian Giant Ship safely towards the shore. During this period India gained a lot. Its growth rate is at 10 %.  After the explosions of nuclear devices at Pokhran in 1998, no country was ready to supply us needed nuclear fuel. The oil prices were gone high; there was also lack of thermal and hydel power. India was in dire need of nuclear energy for civil purposes of our Tarapur Plant. The Indo-US civil nuclear deal will give India the flexibility to buy nuclear fuel not only from the US, but also from countries like France, Russia or even Australia.

    To support India's economic growth and development in the coming decades, the 123 Agreement was necessary. It would help the country in overcoming an energy crisis, since there would be huge gap between demand and supply. Now India will be able to get high technology for its stopped projects. Dr. Manmohan Singh is crying repeatedly that our internal politics is hindering the way of our growth. India is in dire need of electercity.In the Punjab state only is huge gap between demand and supply ; here is thirty million units deficiency daily of electercity.Local politicians are passing their time with lies and false promises to please the vote Bank.The hindrances in agreement are responsible for India `s slow development. In India there are  power cuts for 10 to 20 hours daily. The 123 Agreement is fuel for India's growth.                                                                                       ( TheWriter is freelance Punjabi writer of International fame)




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