
Will it be easy for me to find a job in puerto rico, im moving there from CA, only speak english, &...?

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only have retail experience.




  1. It will not be  easy for you, but you may find something.  But be prepared for salary shock.

    Expect about $6-$7 /hr for that type of job.

    Maybe a conversational English language teacher????

    But with the economy so rough these days, if I were you, I would really get working on learning Spanish.

    check out under empleos for a sample of jobs available and what they are asking for qualifications.

    Good Luck!

  2. No. Probably just in turistic / hotels areas at San Juan, but jobs openings are not many in these months.

  3. The economy in PR just like in the States is very frail and that affects getting a job.  Now retail is one of those industries where you can always find an opening.  I would tell you that ONLY in Old San Juan you can get away with being solely English speaker and there are plenty of shops geared to the tourist.  Your chances are 50/50.

  4. Puerto Rico has an unemployment rate of over 17 PERCENT the last I heard.  About 50 percent of the people in P.R. are receiving some kind of public assistance.

    Just how easy do YOU think it will be to get a job... especially if you CAN'T SPEAK SPANISH.?

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