
Will it be hard, for republicans?

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to vote for a ticket that includes everything they ever fought against?




  1. What are you rambling about? There isn't a ticket that includes everything republicans have fought against.

  2. Yes.

    McCain chose an inexperienced gal from Alaska.

    She hasn't played politics on the national level.

    She is harshly conservative.

    She preaches abstinence-only, yet has a prego 17 year old.

    I better not ever hear that Obama is ill-prepared from the McCain campaign again.

  3. No, I'll have no problem voting against Obama!

  4. I'm sure the recent news didn't sit well with most of them.  Sure, they're giving lip service to the wonderful decision that Bristol Palin made.

    Have you wondered what the reaction among these considerate Conservatives would've been had one of Obama's daughters (if 17) had been reported pregnant?

    Their compassion would be non-existent (as it is now - now it's just forced).  Liberals have long been helpful to young women who are dealing with pregnancy, and not forcing them into abortions, or even adoptions (although a wonderful choice).

    Of course, the Republican response is typically to ostracize them, make them feel guilty and embarassed, and accuse them of being burdens on the state.

    I guess it's OK to have a teen pregnancy if you're white and a VP candidate's little girl.

  5. And there are even more skeletons to come out of the plain camp you'll see.

  6. Huh?

    War vet, US Senator, AK governor, NRA member, pro-life, pro lower taxes, adopts orphans, mother of 5.....I think it's everything a conservative Republican could hope for.

  7. I'm a Republican and the ticket I'm voting for does not fit your description.  

  8. i think republicans, real republicans, will just stay home

  9. they analyze obama as a fraud and a threat and will just vote mccain no matter small differences

  10. Excuse me.....but Osama Biden Laden is the ticket that includes everything sane people ever fought.

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