
Will it be hard being a vegan high schooler?

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i am already a vegetarian. i AM going vegan and will stay that way the rest of my life. just want to know if anyones gone thru it before and if they can help me out with dealing with other highschoolers who are non vegan. what do they say? do people make fun of you? is it hard?




  1. Well I am a high school veg@n. I have had no problems. We all introduced ourselves in my art class and when I said I was a veg@n I only got positive replies. People said I must be so healthy and so on and so forth. Nobody made fun of me but this one Freshman kid did like stare at me for a good hour. For the most part it is not hard. I pack my lunch everyday and I interact with people like any other sophmore would. Don't let people who have no idea tell you it would be hard. I am living it and everything is great! Go Veg@n!

  2. Back when I was in high school (god, 10 years ago, I'm old), it was a non-issue.  No one cares what you're eating or what you're not eating.  It only sucks if someone wants to offer you cake or some type of junk food.  If you're eating out together, that's an issue with the restaurant (and any restaurant worth its salt will accommodate you).  If you're eating at someone's house, just tell your friend in advance, and that person should be willing to accommodate you (since, you know, they are your friends).  Just don't go around wearing a huge V and be a proselytizing veg*n, and you should be fine.  I had a hippy friend (she was a true hippy, not a wanna be) who was curious about me, and I explained to her difference between the types and the justifications.  That was about all.

    And, um, bring your lunch.  I usually got a salad on campus to tide me over until I went home to eat my real meal.  Avoid the cafeteria.  Which you would probably do anyway since schools are notoriously slow with dishing out the meals, so if you want real time to eat and hang out, well, you'll avoid it anyway.

  3. It will be difficult. I was a vegetarian in high school, and I either brought my own food or prayed they would have french fries every day.

    Schools don't cater to vegetarians and vegans the way that they should, its not an issue for them.

    College is way better for those of us who have different lifestyles. My college food bar has an entire room dedicated to feeding people like you and I!  

  4. Unless you pack your lunch it may be hard, because most high school food does have some form of animal products.  Just explain to the people around you that your  a vegan and explain to them what that means.  Try to get rid of any misconceptions about being a vegan and see if anyone else at your school it.

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