
Will it be hard for me to find a job if I have had a really bad history of previous jobs?

by  |  earlier

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Or will they have any way of knowing about it?




  1. don't put on your resume your previous job if you really have a bad history with your previous job but it is also possible that your new employer will know it.

  2. You can try lying about your past, but it will always come back to bite you in the ***.

    Whether it will be hard for you depends on other assets you may show on your resume and during the interview. The best asset you can have is determination that you won't mess up again. In reality, they don't need to know every job you've had in the past and probably won't do a check unless it's for a government job.

    What's the real reason for a bad history of previous jobs?

  3. well...while you were having a string of bad history with jobs...did you have any trouble getting the next job?  Yes, they can find out about it... a combination of your work history on your resume/applications and your references given.

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