
Will it be hard to get insurance because I'm seeing a therapist/psychiatrist?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know if my mom is bullshitting me, but she's saying that no insurance company will want me because I'm seeing a therapist/psychiatrist. Then again, my mom hates it when I see therapists and psychiatrists, but my mental health condition isn't that good. I need the medication and counseling to function well. My mom and step-dad are abusive, so my mom doesn't like how my therapist is trying to get me to be independen from them. She's saying to stop seeing therapy until I get insurance coverage.

I'm new to all of this, as I was on my mom's insurance due to me being a full-time student. I'm at the age limit where her insurance company refuses to put me on her coverage. I'm in the midst of looking for a FT job that would offer insurane benefits, but am having no luck as it's tough finding FT jobs that click with my school schedule.

I'm worried that I won't have any insurance. I feel so depressed with no job, little money and no insurance.




  1. Yes you can get life insurance while seeing a therapist. Insurance companies will pull up your social and drivers license and see what type of meds you are taking.  And if you have any accidents or tickets.  They will rate you on this and premiums will go up

    Most questions are hospital related. Not shrink.

    My advice is to get a level term for 10 years and you can transfer it later.   These are the simplest to do.

    In texas?  Visit my site

    good luck

  2. the best thing to do is go to a good insurance company and just ask up frount about it and thay will go from there.

  3. She is partially correct. Many companies may refuse to accept you or, if they do, may place a rider on mental health. A rider means they won't cover that condition. Other companies may accept you and cover the condition but will increase the premium. There are policies that do not cover mental health at all; you shouldn't have a problem getting on one to cover everything else.

    Another problem you'll have is getting a policy period with no job. Companies do not usually accept the unemployed because they know you're looking for a job with benefits. It can take the company 6 months or more to recoup the costs it occurs getting you a policy.

    Visit a local independent agent that works with all the major companies in your area. The agent can work with you and talk to the insurance company underwriters to find a company that will cover you and your condition if one is available. There is no extra charge using an agent

  4. Generally speaking most insureres wil decline the application for psychiatric consulting or medication within 5 years of applying. This is not a personal thing. They understand that everybody's situation is completely different, and it in no way reflects that you are any less healthy, mentally or physcially than anyone else. Its just that the insurance companies find it hard to assess and simply want to part of that type of policy risk. Its just business.

    Good News: keep in mind that most employers offer a decent amount of group life insurance coverage as part of their benefits package that in the majority of cases requires no medical questions, so itsd very possible you wil have coverage one day. Further, banks and the like offer something called "creditor" insurance which you may be able to qualify for to, which is nice to know because it may be required for a loan you want one day.

    Also, in a pinch there are several companies that specialize in dealing with people in your boat. Norwich Union is a famous one who will insure you so at least you have some coverage.

    Don't sweat it! I'm personally glad to hear someone at your age is responsible enough to care about these things! Good for you!

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