
Will it be known as TROOPERGATE or something else?

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Palin E-Mails Show Intense Interest in Trooper's Penalty....

The e-mails were shown to The Washington Post by a former public safety commissioner, Walter Monegan, who was fired by Palin in July. Monegan has given copies of the e-mails to state ethics investigators to support his contention that he was dismissed for failing to fire Trooper Mike Wooten, who at the time was feuding with Palin's family.

When Palin entered the governor's office in late 2006, Wooten already had been reprimanded, reassigned and suspended for five days for incidents reported by Palin's family. They had filed complaints in April 2005 after her younger sister's marriage fell apart and the couple battled in a bitter child-custody dispute.

Palin has said previously that she discussed Wooten with Monegan only in the context of security concerns for the family. Monegan has said that Palin never directly told him to fire Wooten but that the message was clearly conveyed through repeated messages from Palin, her husband and three members of her Cabinet.




  1. The article has an inherent bias in its use of deliberately deceptive terminology.  The 'feuding' and 'incidents' included direct assault with a police issued taser.  That's unacceptable in any event, but even more so against a family member of the Governor.  Such perpetrators are not to be merely 'reprimanded, reassigned, and suspended for five days' - you are supposed to arrest, charge, and prosecute them.  If it were your family being assaulted, I doubt you'd take such a flippant attitude towards the matter.

  2. Puppeteer Rove hired Palin for the McSame campaign, to start controversy, because it got to lame. That's all.

    Anybody, who thinks, that Puppet Bush did one step without Rove/Cheney's orders is sickly naive and so will it be with McSame, Palin will be discarded, or used as President bobble head, if McSame dies.

  3. Do you know the facts?

    The trooper beat his wife to a pulp, and tasered their 10-year old son.  Then he threatened his wife if she dared engage an attorney, he would kill her father.

    Then he was caught driving his cruiser, while on duty, drinking a beer while driving.

    Don't you think he was a danger to the populous?  Do you want that type of man carrying a gun?  

    I don't think so!

    Obviously, he was a macho-psycho who needed to be removed from any position of authority at all costs.

  4. Troopergate. Muslimgate.

    They're all crooks.

  5. If Palin can be so full of hate, her religious training has not benefited her.

  6. This is such a non-issue.

    She had a staffer who went overboard.

    Wooten was a nut who threatened her family.   Good for her for sticking up for them.

    The press making a big deal about this is just showing how out of touch they are with small town america- where this stuff is very common, unfortunately.

  7. Yawn!!!!!

  8. are people like you paid to do this...

  9. It already is Troopergate isn't it?

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