
Will it be okay?

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Will it be okay?




  1. If you're willing to adjust to it.

  2. There is no such thing as right or wrong, don't get fuzzed up with it. Follow your own commom sense.

  3. I guess we'll have to just wait and see.  Only time will tell.


  4. Pray, listen to your conscience, mean well to others and yourself, forgive yourself and others.

    Then it will be okay.................

  5. Sure. Just don't know for who yet?

  6. You will have to define "it" before I could possibly give you a rational answer.

    Will what be OK?

  7. Yes, it will.

    It may not seem like in today, 2moro, or even next week. However He will be on time!

    Trust in your GOD.

  8. in the end it will

  9. No one knows.

  10. Yes it will but only in the end of your journey to peace.

  11. probably not, unless we make it ok. but first we need to figure out how and everybody agree on that... which doesn't seem that likely to me.
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