
Will it be treated as an ''accident'' ?

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An individual on some reasons murdered by being hit by a lorry, will this murder be treated as an accident to receive compensation ?




  1. You'll have to read the definitions in the policy, to see if a murder is considered an accident.   Most likely, it will NOT.

  2. yes. it will be treated as an accident. i cite a recent case.  A man who was returning on his motorcycle after deposing in a case.  A mini lorry coming from the opposite side hit his bike and the individual died. police registered a case against the driver for negligence, carelessness, and speeding.  Meanwhile, the widow of the individual file a plea for the compensation at the court.  The court ordered the payment of compensation with interest from the date of filing the case.  The insurance company appealed against this order in which it said that the lorry driver had no licence. The death of the individual was a planned murder. The company prayed for cancellation of compensation order.  In the court, it is said in its order that the case related to an agreement between the insurance company and the policy holder. The death should be considered as an accident. There was a difference between an unexpected incident and an accident.  The court quoted an order of a court in England which directed that a murder in which a gang had killed a cashier in a train and looted the cash he was carrying be treated as an accident for the purpose of compensation.  This case also should be treated similarly, the court said.

  3. Your question on murdered by some one will not consider as "accident".

    But if hit y a lorry, and the lorry driver run away, then this should be consider as "accident".

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