
Will it come this month?

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I got my first period July 11, and I didn't get it this month.Sometimes I get sharp cramps for one second but then it goes away and yellowish brownish discharge everyday.I also get a leg pain sometimes if that has anything to do with it.Ok thanks.




  1. When you first get your period, it's really off for either the first few months or years. It depends on you. Always have something handy, because it may come randomly all the time at first.

  2. wen you get your first few periods their in an abnormal series  

  3. Sometimes young girls have difficult period from first menstruation up to fully developed regular menstrual cycles. It will take some time to fully develop your mature regular menstrual cycle. Please be also informed that in general menstrual cycles are very sensitive to stress, emotional situations, infections, medication, etc.

    Just be patient. Usually by 18-20 year the menstrual cycle will be fully development, your hormones will develop your own (personal) cycle and your menstrual cycle will be regular.

    Discover everything about menstrual cycle and  "When expect period" in

  4. well i rem my first period, years back now it took me about 2years for mine to settle in a routine so always be prepared cos u never no wen its going to spout up on u! as for the cramps, even now about a week b4 mine usually comes i get cramps and discharge, so it all sounds ok so dont worry it will come!!

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