
Will it come up positive for drugs?

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My boyfriend accidentally ate a less than half a nickel bag of marijuana, thinking it was oregano. The next day he took a urine test at his work, will it come out hot? he did drink a lot of water, coconut juice, and a lot of other juices containing antioxidants..




  1. Don't listento the idiot saying THC is water soluble. THC is fat soluble, and metabolizes in the body, meaning his urine analysis  will almost surely come out postive for marijuana. Also even if the bag contained oregano, why would he eat a whole bag of it?

  2. a likely story...not

    However...THC is metabolized in the body, and it's metabolites are stored in fatty tissue, and may take up to a month to be undetectable by urine drug screen.  

    I think it is likely a urine test the next day would be positive though I really don't know how much is in a nickel bag.  ( In my day that was about a 1/4 oz...but that is showing my age)

    You can't flush it out with anything.

  3. thats funny, they taste NOTHING alike! he probably will not pass the test so next time he eats the herb he should use synthetic urine for the test or someone elses urine.

  4. no thc the identifiable drug in testing is not water soluable and will not show up in a test.

  5. Sounds to me like you need a better choice of a boy friend, he is doing just to many things that don't add up to being a very good boy friend, if you don't want your life ruined, drop him fast.

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