
Will it cost me money to call out of state on my house phone?

by  |  earlier

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This guy wants to talk on the phone with me, but he lives in another state. He's going to call on his cellphone and I'll answer on my house phone. Will it cost me money to answer his call. Will his number appear on the phone bill??





  1. no

  2. If someone is calling you from out of state, then they are paying the long distance fee, not you. It depends on your phone company, because I don't get information on what calls I make or receive on my home phone bill, only on my cellphone bill.

  3. It will not cost you money, if the person is calling you. It only costs you money if you're making the phonecall, yourself. It WILL show up on your bill though, depending on what bill your parents look at.

  4. Maybe this isn't someone you should be talking to.

    Out of state guy + secrecy = bad situation. Please be careful.

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