
Will it ever be possible to have large vehicles that run on an alternative fuel?

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To keep our economy strong we will need an alternative fuel that will fuel Tractor Trailers... Is it possible?




  1. probably... anythings possible

  2. Yes it is possible . There is a new technology coming to the market mid summer this year that will astound the world .

    They are called "NanoDetonators " and can be installed on any combustible motor , " UNLIMITED MILEAGE and NO POLLUTANTS " what so ever . They will be leasing them for $50 a month for residential automobiles .

    I'm not sure what the cost on commercial vehicles will be, they haven't set a price on that but I'm sure it will be more for obvious reasons . So don't scrap that big gas guzzler a brighter future is just around the corner.

    I can not give you anymore info on them until there new web site is finished but i can tell you that they are starting on phase two . Phase one was getting a couple thousand dealer and those positions are filled . Phase two will be to see how the public reacts to them and taking orders .Phase three is installation that will begin this year .

  3. Yes, its a very easy thing to do and ALL new vehicles should made to do so.  Have the option for E-85 (gas) or B-85 (diesel), on all makes and models that come the the USA.

  4. If the alternative fuel can yield more than 129,800 BTUs per gallon.  If not, then trucking industires won't use them because they need all the power and torque they can get.  Batteries aren't developed enough to go long distances like truckers need to go.  Hydrogen could be a better option but the infrastructure is not set up yet.  Plus you don't want to worry about huge trucks turning into Hindenburgs when they crash.

  5. yes, other then bio fuels which have there problems hydrogen is looking very promising. it provides the most energy per pound of any fuel (besides nuclear) the only problem with it besides generation is the storage of it. but currently there are being developed ways of solving this problem using various methods such as using nano-structures to hold the hydrogen or by using metals to generate the hydrogen.

  6. is an electric locomotive large enough for you?

    Electric motors are actually far better at delivering the large amounts of torque required to move large loads than complicated infernal combustion.

    modern batteries can be recharged in 10 minutes every 200 miles or so ; Heavy goods vehicle drivers have to take regular breaks anyway.

    So a good size battery pack, a small bio-deisel generator or hydrogen fuel-cell and there's the solution. think diesel-electric locomotives.

    for starters see the Modec vans available now

    PS when thinking about keeping an economy strong; ask why that is that important if not to improve our health and happiness? and those criteria can be met without the reliance on extensive trucking taking place today, eg local food vs global pre-packed commodities. Local economy (eg Local Exchange Trading) vs national GDP or global corp profit

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