
Will it ever change?

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for many years now i have had nothing but bad luck in my life can some who is a psychic medium tell me if my luck will change and if the man giving me a hard time will find out I am innocent a woman he knows did the awful thing he thinks i did to turn him against me she's after his money if so when will he find out how soon.?




  1. Sorry to tell you but... bad luck is often due to the personal attitude, how you look at things and how you deal with things. The good thing is that you have the power to change your bad luck into good luck by working on yourself and how you deal with things. Start by looking at the good things in life and enjoy them, then look at the things you think are bad and reevaluate them. Look at it all from another angle and see them as challenges that will make you grow as a person instead of bad luck that makes you feel miserable.

    Why are you letting him give you a hard time. What is it that stops you from raising above his accusations? Why are you feeding him by allowing him to treat you this way? Look at the situation and look at how you act and most importantly why you act like you do. When he looks at you what do he see then? An innocent woman that has done nothing wrong or a desperate woman trying to change his mind? It doesn't matter how innocent you are if you act in the wrong way.

    As long as he is busy accusing you, thinking you are guilty because of (possibly) how you act, then he won't see the other woman for what she is. He's focused on another part of his world, he won't see her for what she is. As long as you give him a reason to not have a better look at the other woman he'll be blind.

    You are the smith of you own fortune and you are forging it with your own view of the world. If you see bad things there will be bad things, if you see inspiring challenges you'll be able to deal with them, if you see good things then there will be good things.

    Find one thing, a things that you can place where you see it often, that reminds you to stop and think about how you think and act and why. That's what good luck charms are about. Keep a journal over how you think in different situations, then a week later you go back and look at it and try to see it all from a different angle.

    By becoming stronger through being happier you'll be able to change lives around you without even trying. That includes his life too and when that happens he won't be blind anymore.  

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