
Will it ever happen again?

by  |  earlier

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I have not had a period for over a yr and was given provera to induce a bleed and then 50mg of clomid and now 100mg of clomid, I am yet to ovulate on the second cycle, day 19 and I am getting frustrated and using OPK but nothing, is it possible to get pregnant with provera after you have not had a period, it was due to anorexia but now I am at the same weight I conceived my first child! Any comments , I know ttc for 1yr and second round of clomid is nothing but I am wondering if my eating disorder has ruined my chances of EVER conceiving again.




  1. hi ya,

    i had a similar problem when i was on the depo..i was put on the depo 2 weeks after my last child was born because i had had 3 children very close together and didnt want a 4th at that time..

    however.. last year in june my partner and i decided we would try for our 4th child.. so when it came time for my next depo shot in the sept i didnt go for it and informed my doctor that we were trying..

    i didnt have anything period like until the october but i wasnt really a period it was kinda my body starting to go back to normal but not quite ready.. anyhow in the dec i went to talk to my doctor as i too was feeling frustrated that we hadnt been successful as i still wasnt bleeding properly...

    so i was advised to go onto the pill to try to regulate my period.. i took 2 packets back to back and then had a period... then i took the last packet in march had a period and then i came off it.. in april we concieved our 4th child..

    i think that there are lots of side effects that the doctors dont warn you of when you take depo... it worked brilliant for me but the down side was the few syptoms i got and taking so long for it to exit my system for us to concieve,

    it can take up to 2 years for it to be fully out of your system so bare with it.. and good luck xx

  2. Sometimes it takes time for your body to recover and sometimes Clomid just pushes your ovulation date back.  For me, it was CD23.  Some people never have any success with Clomid at all and have to move on to injectibles and ART.  It just depends on your body and your problem.  If you are taking Clomid, I assume your ovarian reserve test was good.  Are you being monitored?  Sometimes, you will still require a trigger shot (like Ovidrel) while taking Clomid.  If you continue to be unsucessful with Clomid, talk to your doctor about the trigger and Femara, a medication like Clomid that sometimes has better success with specific people.  There are lots of things to try.  I am CD1 today after a horrible Provera and Clomid cycle where I was sick and in pain for literally a month and a half.  I ovulated, but still had my 10 day LP.  Sometimes I feel like giving up, but we are at the very beginning.  Good luck - I hope you are just ovulating late this cycle.  Even if it is another anovulatory, try your best to stay positive (I know it's not possible all the time).  Let your partner support you too, and stop blaming yourself.  I do the same thing since I knew I was infertile when I was 16, but waited until I was 27 to TTC anyway and now I don't even get AF on my own anymore without meds.  Self blame doesn't get you anywhere but more depressed, though.  Just take things from where they are right now as day one and work with your doctors and partner to get them where you want them.  GL & babydust!

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