
Will it harm my baby?

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after giving birth i will be breast feeding for atleast 7 to 8 months.if i start smoking imediatly after and feed at the same time will that harm my baby?some one told me if you smoke 2hours before feeding the baby it will do no harm is this true?plz help me




  1. Yeah, if you smoke it sends poision into your system, your baby takes that from you, you really should ask your doc.  I quit smoking for my baby, we both deserve it.

  2. I believe that it is better to breast feed than not to if you are a smoker.  I would advise you not to though because of obvious reasons.  But if you choose to smoke then you should make sure you are not smoking in your home and that nobody else is because there is a higher chance of SIDS and Asama in babies.  Also, try to wash your hands and even shower after wards because the smoke gets embedded in your skin and hair and can be passed to your child.

    I think that any kind of smoking will harm your child weather it be two hours later or 2 months later, but that is a chance I guess you are willing to take.

  3. I have to ask the obvious... if you have already stopped... why take it back up???

    But if you must.... I know that my one son had asthma and they told my hubby that he had to wash his hands and change his clothes before touching him because you bring junk in on you and your clothes when you smoke... I also know that my sister smoked only outside and never around her kids yet they all smelled nasty like an ashtray when they were newborns.

    And lastly... the smoke two hours before thing... breast fed babies feed more often, in fact every 2-3 hours for quite a while.  Mine eats every 2 hours on the dot, so how would you work that?

    And the term do no harm... you are smoking... I don't care if your kid is 20... if you smoke you are harming those around you.

    Anyway... good luck whatever you do!!!  

  4. Smoking  ANYTIME  after you have your Baby is very unwise and is actually selfish. Your Baby should live in a smoke free enviroment.

    The toxins from nicotine in cigarettes are in your bloodstream. So while you are nursing her  your giving her toxins from smoking..

    Lots of info about this on WEB MD.

  5. Smoking while breastfeeding is bad for your baby no matter how close to a feed time you have one. The toxic substances can and will get into the breast milk and the risk of SIDS is higher for a baby to be exposed to a smoking parent or relative. If you gave up smoking while pregnant, why not wait until after you stop breastfeeding before starting again, or just don't smoke from now on.

    Also newborn babies have no set feeding pattern and you could have a smoke and then your baby might want to be fed......if the 2 hour rule is true, either your baby goes hungry for 2 hours or you pass toxic chemicals to your little baby.

    Your body, your choice, but your baby has no say in this matter, you need to be responsible for this decision, for your baby's sake.

  6. if u love your baby u should stop smoking in the first place

  7. While breastfeeding and smoking are not recommended, a mother who smokes can still breastfeed her baby. Most people know that cigarette smoking and second-hand smoke inhalation are health risks.

    The more cigarettes a mother smokes, the more dangerous it is for both mother and baby no matter how the baby is fed.

    The current recommendation for breastfeeding mothers who smoke cigarettes is to continue to breastfeed and cut down on the amount smoked and do NOT expose babies to second-hand smoke.

    Nicotine levels in the breastfeeding mother’s blood and milk first increase and then decrease over time. It takes is 95 minutes for half of the nicotine to be eliminated from the body, otherwise known as half-life. Breastfeeding mothers should avoid smoking just before nursing and should never smoke while feeding her baby.

    Less Than 20 Cigarettes Per Day

    Smoking under 20 cigarettes per day is less risky. Risks from nicotine in the breast milk are higher when a breastfeeding mother smokes more than twenty to thirty cigarettes a day.

    Risks of Breastfeeding and Smoking

    Heavy smoking can reduce milk supply. A study done on breastfeeding and smoking states that cigarette smoking significantly reduces breast milk production.

    On rare occasions cigarette smoke has caused symptoms in the breastfeeding baby such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea.

    Smoking can stop or inhibit the milk let-down reflex.

    Smoking has been linked to early weaning.

    Smoking can cause fussiness and colic.

  8. If you care at all about your baby you will not smoke at all. Your baby can inhale your second hand smoke and may even be affected by the foul stench that remains on your clothes and in your hair. Give the poor kid a chance and give it up for your good and your baby's.

  9. i quit smoking when i got pregnant and im now breastfeeding an 18week old baby girl,i used to LOVE smoking but she deserved the best and i wouldnt dream of starting back up...i hate the thought of people smoking and going near children..even if you smoke outside it takes 2hours for the air to clear around you....put your baby first!!!!!!

  10. Noctine is a drug...if you ingest nicotine so will your baby.

  11. Smoking during breastfeeding is fine. Even smoking during pregnancy isn't as bad as people claim. Before 1990, it was very common for women to smoke during pregnancy. In the 1950's, most pregnant women smoked, and doctors sometimes told their non-smoking pregnant patients to START, as it would be "good for their nerves".

    So don't worry about. Be well, and enjoy motherhood!
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