
Will it harm my guinea pigs if they...

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chew on a cardboard shoebox that has colour and is not plain?




  1. no it will not harm them they will be fine dont worry about it its just a natural instict to chew on random things (;

  2. I wouldn't give it to your piggy.  Give them cardboard from toilet paper or paper towels.

  3. Most Likely.

    Anything and most things with ink can harm them. I would remove it promptly

  4. I don't know if it would actually harm them or not, but to be on the safe side, you should just use the cardboard tube inside of a toilet paper roll or a paper towel roll. At least that's what I used to do...

  5. I am not so sure about that, but you don't want to take any chances.  You never know what could happen.  I would ask my vet if it's OK, but until then, I would stick with plain cardboard.

  6. A lot of shoeboxes have a shiny coating on them that could be very harmful to them. Some plain cardboard from a storage box or something would be a better bet, they do love chewing on cardboard!

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