
Will it harm the fry if i add quick cure to the tank for ich that one of my fish has gotten?

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Will it harm the fry if i add quick cure to the tank for ich that one of my fish has gotten?




  1. When I added quick cure to my fry tank to help with ick , it was too strong and killed most of my fry. I used Coppersafe the next time and my fry were fine and were cured.

  2. It could harm the fry - but it depends on which treatment you use and how much treatment you put in. You could reduce the dose a little but then it might not kill all the ich. It depends on how old the fry are too, as the older they are the better chance they have of surviving. Mine were 3 weeks old when I used ich treatment and only 2 died out of 20. Hope this helped, good luck with the fry.

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