
Will it hurt Wisdom teeth out??

by  |  earlier

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i'm 22 yrs old, and getting my wisdom teeth out next thursday the 14th, I know everyone is different, but I'm kinda freaked out about it. I only have 3 wisdom teeth one decided never to exist. ANyway, I have heard great things about the surgeon, i met him when i went for my consult and he was very nice, and made me feel comfortable. Oh, by the way I will be all the way out...sleeping.




  1. yes

  2. I only had three and  had them taken out when I was twenty and it did hurt, but time will pass and the pain will go away. You'll need a good pain medicine that works for you.

  3. You will be fine during the procedure all the way out is a great way to have this done.  The 3 to 4 days after you will need to do the following: no smoking, no drinking alcholic beverages, no drinking thru a straw, soft foods nothing like chips or popcorn till your healed.  The mouth heals rather quickly.  24 hrs after the procdure you should rinse gently with warm salt water.  I am sure that you will get these instructions when you leave.  The more active you are after the surgery the more you will bleed.  A little blood and a little spit looks like a lot of blood... do not panic.

  4. well my sister got some teeth (just normal teeth pulled) and she was in pain for a week. we thought that she would b in a great deal of pain when she got her wisdom teeth pulled, but really, she was up and dancing (even though she wasn't supposed to) three days after she got them pulled. she felt great. she was all in a little dreamland when they put her to sleep, so she didnt feel a thing. even though she was scared about being out under, she got through it and was talking like crazy right after the procedure! good luck! you will do fine! =D

  5. you will be just fine then if he has a good rep and your sleeping, wont hurt much at all and should have a nice quick recovery. tell me how it turns out!

  6. no, you will be fine. i had my wisdom teeth taken out this morning and im feeling fine right now. i layed in bed for 2 hours after the surgery once i got home, but now im eating jello and i feel great. my cheeks are still numb so i dont know how they will feel a couple of hours from now, but the 3 days will probably be enough. the drugs havent made me groggy or drowsy at all, so im pretty pleased with how the surgery went in general. Good luck!! PS. I'm 16 and not very brave when it comes to surgeries and needles.  

  7. I just got mine pulled sunday.  Yes, it hurt (not while in the chair).  I got a medicinal plunger type thing from the drug store so I can squirt mouth wash into the holes to keep them clean.  Take the medications that are prescribed to you and it wont be so bad.  I had my bottom two taken out 10 years ago and I am so glad I got the top ones pulled (I was awake while he did it too).  It will hurt for a few days, but its not unbearable.  

  8. no

  9. I'm 24 and had my out about 6 mo ago. No, it won't hurt, you'll be sore for a couple of days but nothing to worry about. I was really nervous...I had my 3 wisdom teeth (my 4th never grew in either) and I also had 2 molars removed that were badly decayed.

    I was really thirsty when I woke up and was half-way incoherant trying to use sign language to get my bf to get me a milk shake at BK. Just make sure you have friendly food at home to eat like mashed potatoes, pudding, etc.

    good'll do fine.

  10. LOl nooo my brother just recently got his out , and he said he was so drugged up he could barely feel a thing. Its when you go off the drugs in the next week or so, it is a little sore

  11. i had all 4 of mine out at the same time when i was in highschool.

    it hurt somewhat afterwards and i was soare for about a week but thats what the meds are for. and if you dont want prescription meds you can always take motrin.

    just follow the dr orders smoking or driking through a straw to avoid dry sockets. cause that can cause more pain.

    good luck and things will be fine.  

  12. no but after it does you'll be very sore

  13. You will just be groggy and in pain for  3-5 days, but it should be fine.

    Make sure you have a responsible person to drive you home from the surgery.  You want to apply ice to the area for the first 1-2 days to reduce swelling, and after that you can apply heat.  Your muscles will be very tense and tight and the heat can help relax them.

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