
Will it hurt to go on carnival rides if you are only 5 days pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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We tried and hopefully succeeded getting prego today-timing is perfect. We are going to my hubbys work party Saturday which is at an amusement park and I know when you are further along there are many rides-if not all-that you should not go on. However, I wonder if it is ok being only 5 days, if it even took, if that is ok?? Thanks...




  1. Just try not to go on to many jerky rides.

  2. You are certainly planning for every eventuality.

    If you are pregnant, then at this stage you will not be at risk from carnival rides.

    Enjoy your day out & worry about being pregnant when you find out that you ARE pregnant.

  3. if you're five days pregnant, then your baby hasn't even implanted yet.  you'll be fine.

  4. I am sure you will be just fine I would not worry AT ALL

  5. you shouldnt really go on any extreme rides while pregnant it could distress the baby

  6. technically its impossible to be "5 days pregnant"..  your pregnancy calandar is based off the first day of your last menstrual cycle..  you actually concieve around 2-3 weeks!

    I doubt it will cause any harm..  most women do things like carnival rides, smoking, drinking etc before they realize they are pregnant..  since most people dont discover they are pregnant until they are 4-6 weeks along anyways!

    If you want to play it safe tho.. stick to the "tamer" rides like the carousel or ferris wheel.  Avoid the bumpier rides.

  7. you will be ok... you cant shake loose an implanted egg. Best Wishes!

  8. I wouldn't risk it. Especially, when your body could be implanting. You could definitely cause it to not take by going on those rides. If you aren't worried about getting pregnant right away then I guess it's not that big of a deal.  

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