
Will it still be George Bush's fault if people get caught in this one? It seems they have plenty of time?

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  1. Yes, until January. Then it will be John McCain's fault.  

  2. But of course... nobody should be accountable for themselves anymore. Even though with this AND Katrina the people had PLENTY of time/warning, they still didn't have big brother walk them one by one, hand in hand, out of their homes to safety and since their government didn't show them EXACTLY what to do, where to go, etc, then it is DEFINATELY GW's fault. Nobody should have to be responsible for their action or inaction when they've been warned, nope, let's just use Bush as a scapegoat and keep the residence of New Orleans bound to their helplessness-that's the American dream right there!  

  3. If he fails the American public again like he did during Katrina it will be.

    National Disasters are supposed to be handled at a Federal level.

    It's hard for a state's National guard to help in a Federal emergency while their busy dying in a war based on Bush's lies.

    Leave it to the Republicans to blame the victims.

    They can't control the weather.

    They paid taxes that should have gone to shoring up the levees, but went to Bush's war instead.

    They had to make a decision about whether or not to leave all their worldly possessions behind during an act of God.

    It's sad that Republicans go whining about "personal responsibility" except when it's time for Bush to start taking some responsibility for any of his many failures over the past 8 years.

  4. FEMA should be in New Orleans right now preparing the city for the hurricane hitting.  Did you know FEMA was in New York City on September 10, 2001?  They should do a little forward thinking for New Orleans too.  

  5. Yes because he has helped to cause the global warming that has led to all these hurricanes.  

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